Contact Phoenix Wings Wellness by calling (02) 6013 9757
Referrals can be emailed (preferred) to or faxed to 02 6013 9211.
Please note that as of September 2024 we are no longer taking referrals for Wagga due to the office closure.
Albury/Wodonga Office (Head office)
Suite 1D, 419 Townsend Street,
(We are located above Plush Furniture, with parking available behind Fantastic Furniture. Enter through the glass doors on Townsend St to the left of Plush Furniture, then either take the stairs or the lift to the first floor, we are located near the top of the stairs.)
Corowa Office (Mel on Thursdays, Maree every second Wednesday)
Corowa Intereach Community Hub
Shops 18 to 20, Corowa Arcade,
109-111 Sanger St,
(Upon arrival, please speak with reception.)
Postal Address
PO Box 175
Lavington, NSW 2641
Emergency Contacts
In case of emergencies please contact *000* or
Albury Wodonga Health Mental Health Intake Line - 1300 104 211
Murrumbidgee Accessline - 1800 800 944
LifeLine - 13 11 14
Kids Helpline (age 5-25) - 1800 55 1800
Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636
13 YARN (First Nations People) - 13 92 76
1800 RESPECT (Domestic Violence)- 1800 737 732
Parentline - 1300 30 1300
Albury/Wodonga Health: (02) 6058 4444
Corowa Hospital: (02) 6033 7555
Wagga Base Hospital: (02) 5943 1000
Albury/Wodonga Office