Introducing Riverstone Stories - Sandra Collins
Introducing Sandra Collins, who will be facilitating workshops here at Phoenix Wings Wellness over the next few months, involving getting in touch with our bodies, using improvisation and spontaneity. Her first workshop its coming up on Saturday 1st March, from 1.30pm - 4.30pm, for more details see our programs page. .
“There is a creative call for all practices to bring us back to our bodies, the medium through which we experience life. Applied Theatre offers many opportunities for this to happen.
Improvisation and Spontaneity skills are an invaluable asset to any creative endeavour. They loosen us up, get us out of our heads and into our bodies. These modalities are wonderful for lifting our spirits and overall wellbeing, allowing our creative energy to flow more freely and generously in playful and fun ways.”
“I facilitate processes that are creative and compassionate. I am trauma informed and take a non pathologising stance, encouraging exploration, healing and transformative growth with dignity. I hold the intention of freedom and joy to enhance engagement and positive change.”