Setting Goals in January


Lets be honest here, 2020 has been the absolute pits – bushfires, global's been hard on everyone and taken it's toll on us in one way or another (mentally, physically, financially). We all scrambled to adapt to the 'unprecedented times' we were now living through, and trying our best we to work within the restrictions put upon us in attempt to keep everyone safe

The challenges we overcame this past year are too many to count and it's hard believe that 2020 is drawing to a close.....which means it’s time to start planning for a new year and all it entails. It's time to re-access and perhaps taking some time to carefully consider what you would like to achieve in 2021 – and no, I'm not thinking 'new year, new me' kind of scenario...actually take some time and reflect on some life goals that may pave a clear path for your year ahead that could set you up for success (and I just don't mean financially) and make you accountable.

While there are no hard and fast rules in setting yourself some goals, but if you're willing to put in the effort, here are a few tips that can help you along your who's with me on kicking 2020 to the curb and setting yourself some awesome goals to achieve in 2021?

1. Reflect

We learned a whole bunch of hard lessons this past year.....but in order to move forward we do need to take some time to look back and reflect on the year that we just left behind. Ask yourself, what worked well for you, and what didn't (perhaps you could chat with friends, family members or even close co-workers). Reflecting on the previous year allows you to make sense of your experiences (good or bad) and help shape your future by giving you a clearer picture of what you want to accomplish in 2021.

2. Set Goals

To set goals that will really make a difference in your life, you must prioritise what you want to achieve. Most people would have a long list of things you’d LIKE to do, but if I could be frank with you for just a moment - be realistic! You don't want to spread yourself thin by attempting to achieve every goal on your list – this is a recipe for disaster (and possible failure) - select 1 or 2 goals and invest all your time and smash achieving them.

Don’t forget that all of your goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely). By putting all of your goals through this process, you increase your chances of successfully completing them. Have a goals board in a visible place that you can see every day (office, fridge door for example). Your goals need to remain top of mind until you have completed them (not like the New Year’s resolutions we make and then forget about).

3. Feedback

Once you’ve decided on your main goals for the year, maybe discuss them with those close to you and who's opinions you trust – by having open and honest discussions with your peers can help you fine tune and could potentially open you up to new ideas entirely.

4. Accountability with Goals

It's important to put measurements in place to hold yourself accountable and on track in achieving your goals. These measurements can be as simple as making yourself a calendar with key milestones to check in on your progress. If you’re not meeting your goals at these checkpoints, it’s an indication you need to step back and make a few adjustments to help you get back on track. It is also important to remember, your goals shouldn’t be inflexible – you need to be able to adjust and evolve accordingly...there are always going to to be unforeseen circumstances and sometimes you need to roll with the punches, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and make a adjustments to your plan and how you can get there...consider it a detour (it may take you a bit longer to get there, but eventually you will arrive at your destination).

If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that we are always prepared for the unexpected. If you are committed to your goals and dedicated to achieving them, you’ll find yourself energised and excited by the possibilities and motivated for success in the new year.

I'll leave you with this post I saw on Instagram and it really resonated - “I thought 2020 would be the year I got everything I wanted. Now I know 2020 is the year I appreciate everything I have”. So with this in mind...go into next year and smash those goals and achieve everything you want, because you bloody deserve it.

Need some help in setting your intentions and creating a vision for 2021? Are you ready to create your future and rise from the ashes of 2020?

Join us on Friday 5th February or Saturday 13th February to build your 2021 vision board. We will dive into your intentions and dreams to build goals and manifest your desires for this year.

Investment: $35 (including GST)

Light supper provided.

Tickets to Friday 5th February 6.30-9.30pm workshop can be purchased here

Tickets to Saturday 13th February 1-4pm workshop can be purchased here